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Community Initiative Development Association 


  • CIDA in collaboration with 68 youth led organizations based at the states mobilized and carried out consultations with the youths and developed the Youth Peace Security strategy in partnership with UNESCO and the National Ministry of Peace building
  • A total of 3500 ( 3208F &292 M) households supported with vegetable kits through direct distribution for improved family dietary needs
  • The direct distribution of fishing kits by CIDA to 2940 (2455M), (485F) households created employment opportunities, improved household income through fish sales and also improved diet.
  • 470 farmers trained on Agricultural best Practices and 249 (52%) of farmers adopted Good Agricultural Practices such as planting in rows, early weeding, among others.
  • Identified and registered 5000HHs targeted vulnerable food insecure population, from IDPs, returnees, host community including community vulnerable group’s representatives (female headed household, households with malnourished children, widows, elders, chronically ill, youth at risk and survivors of GBV.
  • Distributed crop kits to 5000HHs, vegetable kits to 3500HHs and fishing twines to 3000HHs in all targeted payams of Pariang.
  • Trained 300 (160F, 140M) farmers on improved and climate – Smart Agriculture Practices in Budi Payam, Eastern Equatoria
  • Trained 300 (160F,140M) farmers on demo plot designs, Farmers field school approaches and established 15 demonstration farms as a community learning center for Agricultural best practices.
  • Trained 200 (99F 101M) farmers on Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) to mitigate and adapt to the changing climatic conditions
  • A total of 202 (150 female 52male) households reached with nutrition and hygiene messages
  • Enhanced the capacity of 20 Media houses and 120 journalists on the Transitional Justice Process”
  • Successfully supported CSOs to develop Advocacy Strategy for 2024 Election in the targeted project locations of Yambio, Torit and Juba
  • Guided the Civil Society Organizations to reach a consensus to have joint financial resource mobilization strategy


CIDA Annual report. Click on the link below to view the report.

CIDA_Annual Report_2023

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