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Community Initiative Development Association 

CIDA is a charity, non-political, non-profit, non-religious organization Legally registered under the NGO act 2016 and with the Relief and Rehabilitation Commission (RRC) in the Republic of South Sudan (Reg. Certificate No. 594).   We are committed to supporting and promoting better living standards at household level through integrated emergency and development programmes in Protection, GBV, Health, WASH, Food Security, Livelihoods, Education, Peace building and Conflict transformation.

We have an independent non-partisan advisory board of professionals who have varied experience and professional training and competencies in development and humanitarian work that has been instrumental in our work. We have a competent team of skilled staff leading our country programmes. CIDA has established and operational offices in Juba, Pariang, Budi and Magwi. Further, CIDA has low key liaison offices in Yambio, Torit and Nimule.

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