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Community Initiative Development Association 

  • Current projects:

    1.     Youth Leading Peace: Establishing Participatory and Inclusive Mechanisms for Implementation of the Youth Peace and Security Agenda in South Sudan (13 states and 3 Administrative Areas); Funded by UNESCO (15th October, 2023-31st December, 2024

    2.     “Strengthening Civil Society for Inclusive Democracy in Eastern, Western and Central Equatorial States, South Sudan”; Funded by U.S. Embassy in South Sudan, Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) (15th October, 2023- 30th September, 2024).

    Past Projects implemented:

    ·       Accelerating Adoption of Climate-Resilient Agricultural Practices and Technologies through Farmer Field and Business Schools and Lead Farmers in Budi County (October, 2023-February, 2024).

    ·       Building Resilient Livelihoods to Threats and Crises in South Sudan (BRLTC) and the South Sudan Emergency Food Production Programme (SSEFPP)-Funded by United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), Pariang Unity State (20th May, 2023-31st October, 2023).

    ·        Strengthening the capacity of Media Organization on Transitional Justice Process in the Greater Equatoria; Funded by United Nations Development Programme-UNDP (2nd March, 2023-31st August, 2023).

    ·       Women’s Voice and Leadership – South Sudan (WVL-SS) project in Eastern Equatorial, funded by CARE South Sudan (2020-2023).

    ·        Human Rights Support Mechanism project “through Strengthening Locally-led Peace in Magwi County, funded by Search for Common Ground (October 2022 to March 2023).

    ·        Media Peace Awareness program on Early Warning and Response systems funded by IGAD-CEWARN, EU and ADA Conflict Early Warning and Response Mechanism (2022).

    ·        “Strengthening peace process in South Sudan; working to support peace process and Police reform sectors in combatting SGBV as a catalyst for Peace and Security, funded by German Cooperation for Development-GIZ (15 November 2022 to 14 February 2023).

    ·       Delivering Evidence-Based Nutrition Interventions to Hard-to-Reach Women and Children in Kapeota, Torit, Magwi and Nimule, Eastern Equatoria State, funded by Vitamin Angels International (28th April – March 1, 2023).  

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